Sunday 3

︎︎︎ Calvin Cummings

︎ July 23, 2024

The message should be viral!
Figure Justin Bieber
Saul of Tarsus.

My pastor anecdotes Crocs
and we laugh! I wonder,
Can you Balenciaga the Bible?

After iMinister brings the heat
to panhandling Zoolander
in Alexander Wang

I kneel beneath the altar
to see where
I dropped my phone.

Calvin Cummings lives and writes in Baltimore.


︎︎︎ Bernard Cohen

︎ July 20, 2024

Use me as a parachute

Unfreeze your assets so

Money becomes wet,

Skinned on the side of
the road

Pour everything into

That time it was like,

It was like a drug

A singular voice making

Fool of itself and a
towering scream

Rocking a party hunch

Losing work. Something
sucked out.

A dead pool,

Three bikinis with no

Bodies in them

Dying in wet bulb

Bernard Cohen is an NYC-based writer and musician. His work has been featured in ExPat Press, Bizarre Publishing House, and Do Not Submit. 


︎︎︎ William Bain

︎ July 16, 2024

house set way back
a few cattle flying the lawn

little left to
shocking some partygoers

a great deal more
would still fit the lawn

William Bain writes poems, short fiction, and essays. Some of his work has appeared in Wild Roof Journal, DeLuge Journal, Abstract|Ext, Danse Macabre,, Barcelona Ink, Ferbero, Red River Review, Zone, and the Sea of Po web application.

“Is not my God your God?”

︎︎︎ Riley Quinn Scott

︎ July 9, 2024

And she would widen her eyes and look at the beauty around her and say “wow wow.” Her eyes would water a little, the beginning of crying, and people would assume she felt a lot and understood the preciousness of life. In reality she was crying because this beauty did not mean anything personally to her. She thought it should. Her failure to feel made her feel enough to cry.

Riley Quinn Scott is a writer from Los Angeles. 

New La Princesa Inc.

︎︎︎ Kate Ehrenberg

︎ July 3, 2024

watching the pregnant woman
in the pool locker room
pat her gingham belly dry
chlorine queen
don’t you wanna be
a fat titted sow
keeping your baby’s face
spamming the feed
with the same picture
of Jonathan Taylor Thomas
over and over
like throwing shit
into the restaurant koi pond

Kate Ehrenberg's poems have appeared in The Second Bullshit Anthology, BRUISER, No, Dear, and Hobart. She lives in Queens, New York.