from phone note dated June 1st 11pm

︎︎︎ Alice Yao

︎ Feb 8, 2025

for him I am urgent
a cry the angels heard but misplaced
any embrace was too strong too fresh too much
something to the effect of bomb but not
false but not
bearing or kneeling over and over
the drugstore counter
I am making sure to brush my tongue
with the appropriate tool
twice a day

Alice Yao is a writer living in Toronto.


︎︎︎ Ed Braxton

︎ Feb 6, 2025

His nails were neon signs weeping tarragon and citrus
Like windchimes in the foothills of some unknown fading fiasco.

Little leagues and dime store gemstones bleeding
Lama dogs and inadequate, bleached taprooms.

The blessed kitty by the stockroom is gathering dust from the slipstream
And everything is very hot, sandy ––––– distant.

Ed Braxton is a tardy urbanist living in Los Angeles.


︎︎︎ Tess Nealon Raskin

︎ Feb 3, 2025

There was a hot lodge in the airplane brakes.
I was a space angel asking for bacteria.
My floor was stuffland and every mouth was a shallow portal.
I was going faster and faster.
Most images in the world were made by computers
And seen by other computers. No one was knocking.
There were years where I ate only radishes
and salt and perfume bottles.
My neighbors were computers
and sedation met me on the bridge.
Something barked down the hall.
I was a night bloom. You spit jam all over my toast.
I wanted to be a dog. I wanted to lick the wallpaper
and still be forgiven. You are sure
the feeling will kill you this time.
I went under the bridge with flowers.
I was on my way and I wanted to save everyone.
The sunshine locked me in your car.
The bloodwork kept coming in.
I said I am going faster and faster. Eventually
I will make collision.

The bulbworld burst.
The bright hollowed me out.
I kept coming and coming.

Tess Nealon Raskin is a writer, actress, and filmmaker. 

skill set

︎︎︎ Lola

︎ Jan 31, 2025

in touch
long hair 
list maker
data entry
9k+ twitter
proper nice
4k+ on zora
adobe suite
full dyslexic
4k+ on tiktok
hot in person
digital output
9k+ instagram
relatively quiet
well mannered
visually literate
microsoft excel
google calendar
respects privacy
strategic planning
project management
chronically organized
promotional merchandising
promotional communication

Lola (b. 1997) does it for no reason.

so what

︎︎︎ Sheridan Wilbur

︎ Jan 29, 2025

so what — if i never have an original thought, so what — if i’m far from home, so what — if home feels abstract, so what — if i eat the whole pizza, so what — if i miss my friend’s call, so what — if i’m tired of talking, so what — if i say nothing, so what — if i dream about you, so what — if i grieve something that never happened, so what — if i listen for my own voice, so what — if i hear fireworks instead, so what — if it’s now Tuesday, so what — if it’s raining, so what — if you drink Vermouth too, so what — if you linger on the page, so what — if you look my way, so what — if i hold your gaze, so what — if you get up, so what — if i hope it’s for me, so what — if it’s for a cigarette, so what — if you’re nervous, so what — if i am too, so what — if i visit a country where i don’t speak the language, so what — if i feel weary, so what — if i’m the oldest i’ve ever been, so what — if i’m the dumbest i’ve ever felt, so what — if i believe in something yet to come, so what — if my psychic tells me that, so what — if everything works out in the end, so what — if i say that, so what.

Sheridan Wilbur is a writer from New England. She lives in London.