︎︎︎ Adam Stutz

︎ May 27, 2023

From the bedroom window      I open these flags & rise for no one

The clatter is    wall-to-wall coverage    of my special-effects disaster   
breath measures    expiration     until my ideology evaporates

All my down-wind   utterances     turn into an up-town smoke of confusion
(or maybe justification)         mixed  takes fester into a spill    

So I write-up obscurity into line items:
1) severed wing sings on sidewalk for its sibling   
2) starving coyote stalks picnics for hashtags
3) sirens splits silence into a bomb of selfies   
4) teeth grind down to a chapel made of sand

I’m back to an eye of needles        hanging by a thread in white noise   
All I aspire to is a security blanket        for air traffic control

Adam Stutz is the Editor-in-Chief and Publisher of Broken Lens Journal and the author of Transcript (Cooper Dillon Books, 2017) and The Scales (White Stag Publishing, 2018). His work has appeared or is forthcoming in Prelude, Be About It, Deluge, Dum Dum Zine, The Pinch, Where is the River, Dream Pop, Cover, Ghost Proposal, INKSOUNDS, Only Good Poems, Heavy Feather Review, and can be found at He currently resides in Los Angeles, California.