This Cockroach Is Your You Babe

︎︎︎ Melanie Wróblewska

︎ Dec 3, 2022

12 grams of juicy meat. An alien? A vagabond knight? Every night you climb on my bed, waiting for me under my pillow. I’m your princess – release me from this sadness. In Russia, cockroaches symbolize wealth. I’m rich. You give me everything. Shining metallic shells are penetrating all over my sweaty body. Micro legs are like needles hurting my skin. I gently spread my legs, waiting patiently for your cold vibrating body inside me. Fresher than apple mint juice. Ouch! You radioactive beast. That hurt.

Narcissistic provocateur. In order to survive, you want to destroy my soul. Kinetic asshole. Cockroaches live 180 days, in a person's life it means nothing. I despise you. Return to your preborn state. In a beautiful cocoon and make butterflies feel insecure. The animal kingdom is waiting for you, my love.

Melanie Wróblewska is a writer and artist currently in Poland (b. Chicago).