Mountain Ash 

︎︎︎ Grandpa

︎Dec 7, 2023

Ash tree in
Bearer of bright red berries
in frozen winter.
Proclaimer of life with color demanding
Beacon for crowds of searching Cedar
Whirring in like clouds of heaven-sent sentinels
Becoming prophets to what is
To a land frozen in what isn’t.
Stay red, Mountain Ash tree berries,
Stay alive and life giving
In a world of death and death giving
Become a Mountain Ash Memorial
Red berry parable
Pointing to He who comes
Heaven formed
Heaven sent and life giving
Into a world of death and death giving
Be a parable and tell

Richard Bahnson (1929-2009) was a Lutheran Minister in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. The remainder of this poem is unfortunately illegible, but still feels complete as is.