In the Indeterminate
︎︎︎ Marcia Arrieta
︎ June 30, 2021
ships & voyages moons & suns unknown denominators water & earth
maps & compasses the soul in a star a fly buzzes
to reduce darkness enter a snowflake
books & umbrellas clouds & silence the melody of breath leaves & blossoms
the architecture of a circle
Joan of Arc outside a Cornell box
postcards & threads eagles & bears sculpt the door roads & rivers
dissonant the harmony solace in a lantern
Marcia Arrieta is a poet, artist, traveler, and teacher. She is the author of three poetry collections: perimeter homespun, archipelago counterpoint, and triskelion, tiger moth, tangram, thyme and four chapbooks: vestiges; thimbles, threads; the curve against the linear, and experimental: . She edits and publishes Indefinite Space, a poetry/art journal.
maps & compasses the soul in a star a fly buzzes
to reduce darkness enter a snowflake
books & umbrellas clouds & silence the melody of breath leaves & blossoms
the architecture of a circle
Joan of Arc outside a Cornell box
postcards & threads eagles & bears sculpt the door roads & rivers
dissonant the harmony solace in a lantern
Marcia Arrieta is a poet, artist, traveler, and teacher. She is the author of three poetry collections: perimeter homespun, archipelago counterpoint, and triskelion, tiger moth, tangram, thyme and four chapbooks: vestiges; thimbles, threads; the curve against the linear, and experimental: . She edits and publishes Indefinite Space, a poetry/art journal.