Dream, come true
︎︎︎ Em Brill
︎ Feb 1, 2024
Grey symphony
Rise over towers
The vast landscape of my heart
That he has constructed
Make me more than I am
Guide my feet from snares & bear-traps
Toward fields of lilies
In the crowded parlor
My only wish
Is to sit stately in the corner
Magnificent showpiece
Gathering dust
Til the time of requirement
Hoists my mahogany limbs
Over Your shoulder
And sets my strings to movement
Your baby
Your marionette
Your harpsichord
Rise over towers
The vast landscape of my heart
That he has constructed
Make me more than I am
Guide my feet from snares & bear-traps
Toward fields of lilies
In the crowded parlor
My only wish
Is to sit stately in the corner
Magnificent showpiece
Gathering dust
Til the time of requirement
Hoists my mahogany limbs
Over Your shoulder
And sets my strings to movement
Your baby
Your marionette
Your harpsichord
Em Brill dictated this poem into her phone while going 75 on I-95 South. She lives in New York City. Recent work includes the poetry chapbook Arch Pastoral, an essay in The Whitney Review, and poems in the next issues of Forever and Fence. embrill.nyc